• Paw Patrol printable party kit

    Paw Patrol printable party kit

    5.99 USD$

    With this printable Paw Patrol kit you can complement the decoration of your child’s birthday party, to make it look more cute and cozy.

    Once you make the purchase you will receive an email with the download link ready to customize and print.

    This Printable Paw Patrol Kit contains the following:

    1. A garland with editable text.
    2. Circular cupcake toppers.
    3. Garland cupcake toppers.
    4. Box model 1 with editable text.
    5. Box model 2 with editable text.
    6. Oval box.
    7. French fries box with editable text.
    8. Box for sweets.
    9. Popcorn box with editable text.
    10. Children’s party hat.
    11. Straw toppers.
    12. Cupcake wrapper.
    13. Wavy model of cupcake wrapper.
    14. Bottle lable.
  • Printable party kit for children's birthday party

    Peppa Pig printable party kit for children’s birthday parties

    5.99 USD$

    If you are planning a Peppa Pig birthday party, you will be interested in this printable kit, because it will give a special touch to the celebration.

    When you complete the purchaseyou will receive an email with the following PDF files ready to print:

    1. A banner with editable text.
    2. A popcorn box.
    3. A watter bottle label.
    4. Four straw toppers designs.
    5. A sweet box.
    6. Three circular cupcake toppers.
    7. Three cupcake toppers designs.
    8. A straight edge cupcake wrapper.
    9. A wavy edge cupcake wrapper.
    10. A tag with editable text.
    11. A pillow box with editable text.
    12. A party favor box with texto editable.